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[电影] [EP3片场日记]着陆(03.5.26)









发表于 2009-3-30 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


At 6 this morning, local time, the plane touched down in Sydney, greeted by a haze of winter rain. I've yet to really wrap my mind around a lot of this. I can't help but notice that travel across the globe now means that my personal calendar no longer contains a May 25, so I can't even quietly acknowledge the 26th anniversary of the original Star Wars.

After being met at the airport by a driver and shuttled to my new accommodations, a member of the JAK production team met up with me. As you may already know, even though it's the Lucasfilm logo that appears at the start of every Star Wars movie, a separate company is formed for the actual production of film. In the past, there's been internal company names like the The Star Wars Corporation and Black Falcon Ltd.

Anyway, Production Assistant Ali Keshavji provided me with an introductory packet of essential information about Sydney, a complete list of the production crew, and a handy map of Fox Studios Australia. He was also kind enough to stock my fridge and pass along some walking-around money.
无论如何,制片助理Ali Keshavji给了我一个介绍信息包,里面有关于悉尼的基本信息,一份制作组全体成员的名单,一张澳大利亚福克斯制片厂简便地图。他还非常好心地把我的冰箱装满食物,并且给了我一些零花钱。

"So, it's Monday now, right?" I confirmed. "I'm not supposed to be in until tomorrow. They've given me a day to acclimate, I guess. What time do things generally start?"

"Well, depends on where you work," he said. "Usually, the production offices start at 8 a.m., but other departments may have different start times. If you're in construction, for example, your day typically starts at 7. You're a bit different, since you're a department of one."

So, now I've got this binder with 35 pages of names and contact information, representing potential interview candidates. Many of the names are familiar, and I've talked to a few over the phone, but I've never really met many of them in person.

But before any of that, I have to get settled here in Australia, and today's the day to do it. I gotta run into town to pick up some power converters. No, I'm not joking.



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